Having a family photo shoot doesn’t mean stop playing and look at the camera, in fact it means, Keep Playing! Or at least, that’s what I love to capture families, interacting, having fun, simply being themselves.
And this photo shoot with Helina and Iain and their boys was exactly that: They played. In fact, that’s all we did! Their eldest boy certainly was far too busy riding his bike, jumping or focused on throwing rocks, to even notice I was really even there to take pictures of him. Awesome! To me it was a family photo shoot, to him, all that mattered, was that he was having fun. Great, I can work with that!
At the end of the session, Helina said, “Did you get any good photos? He was always on the move.” And I said, “Of course!” knowing what I had shot and that I had taken lots of photos for them to choose from. But I agree, it was an intense photo shoot, but because I’m a mom too, it’s all perspective, and I harnessed that energy towards the cause, capturing their energy, their love in this point of time, for them to remember forever. And it was truly my pleasure to do so.
And how could I not take great photos of their awesome energy! Love it!